The case AGAINST seeking a Christian nation.
The disciples asked Jesus a question about the end of the age and the sign of his coming. He explained to them that there will be several signs including earthquakes and famines, but one sign in particular is overlooked in our teachings. Jesus said,
Matthew 24:9
9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
I learned of Jesus that he DOES not exaggerate. The key thing of this verse is to see that Jesus does not say that you will be hated by SOME nations; he explicitly says that YOU will be hated by ALL nations. The ONLY way that the words of Jesus can remain true is that CHRISTIANS will REMAIN a MINORITY wherever they reside. This prophecy of Jesus does not support our hopes for developing a CHRISTIAN nation because if ALL nations will hate you then it follows that NO nation will be predominately Christian. Jesus himself declares that 'narrow is the road to righteousness and only a FEW find it'.
When we envision going into the world to win the lost we carry with us oftentimes a concept of winning defined by getting more souls than the devil. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN BECAUSE GOD NEVER PROMISED IT. Therefore I declare to you
because on the day described above IT TOO must be among the nations that HATE the children of God. Therefore in line with the words of Jesus our efforts to spread the word will NEVER impact the lives of the many but only the few, and that is exactly how HE wants it.
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