The word abridged means:
To reduce in scope
The word adulterated means:
To corrupt, debase or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance or element.
Paul and Peter warned us of men who would come to the flock and present us with doctrines that are unsound. But how do we identify doctrines that are unsound? The problem with these types of teachings is that those who are not willing to search the scriptures for themselves will not be able to identify thes unsound teachings and will adopt them as truth. This corruption enter the church usually by qualifications to the word of God.
It is common today to hear some preacher offer qualifications to the word of God, these may seem harmless and may even come across as a point of clarification to some passage of scripture but I assure you that they are as corrupt as any devil can declare. An example of this qualification can be heard when a preacher teaches on giving. Jesus said give to the poor and give liberally and give to everyone who ask you. If a preacher is bold enough to preach this word he would immediately qualify it by saying 'but we must have discerment' or 'we have to use 'wisdom''. Such qualifications, whilst seemingly filled with wisdom, are really adulterations of the word of God because they water down the truth given by Jesus. A precher may preach on love and boldly say 'God commands us to love our neighbor', but then would immediately qualify it by saying something like 'but ya gotta use wisdom' or 'God save you from your sins not ya sense'. These seem like useful additions but they are all intended to convey to the bearers that you do what Jesus says BUT...
There is a reason for these blatant additions by the preachers and it is that they add these qualifications into the word of God to PROTECT you from con artist and potential abusers, but this is demonic. Everything that Jesus declares in the gospel is DESIGNED to MAKE US VULNERABLE. Jesus teaching on forgiveness tells us to forgive those who sin against us and he tells us to forgive without qualification. By nature if we our offended by someone we try to avoid that situation so as to not be offended again, but Jesus says that if someone sins against you don't create situations where you try to prevent it from happening again, instead we are to forgive them EVERYTIME. This sets us up too be vulnerable because we have NO defense against someone who seeks to abuse our obedience to God.
Luke 6:29
29 And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.
Look at how vulnerable we are in the above verse. Jesus tells us that if we are smitten on one cheek don't run, or call the police, or sue, NO, he tells us to OFFER the other cheek. No qualifications. Look at what he commands in the following verse:
Luke 6:28
Bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you
He tells us to pray for those who mistreat us. The word mistreat means abuse. And the pray for in this text does not mean Lord kill them but Lord bless them! The thing to see here is that Jesus himself wants us to be vulnerable to the world because when we are vulnerable he will defend us.
Do not fear direct and complete obedience to the words of Jesus, because they are designed to make you weak, and vulnerable and to cause you to feel abused THIS IS NECESSARY , because it ONLY when you are weak that he is strong.
Bertram Mills
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