A few years back a movement sprung up in the United States called the WWJD - what would Jesus do. It was signified by the letters WWJD on bracelets and other paraphernalia, and was intended to raise the consciousness of the wearers and others about living their lives in accordance with what Jesus would do in a certain situation. Some would label it commendable in it's efforts to reach the world, however it had two significant flaws and they were:
1- It became a fad and fashion statement. It lost any potential it had by becoming a fad that was adopted by the in crowd. Anything that is whole heartedly embraced by the world can never be of Christ because of Jesus' declaration that 'The world hates me'. It is because of this that such a campaign cannot not have it's intended value and must from it's onset be corrupted, because if the world adopts it then it cannot be of God. So the WWJD movement became a fad and that leads to the other significant flaw,
2- it basically came down to the wearers of the paraphernalia to know what Jesus would do in a given situation. You must know that people of this world are blinded by the devil to do his will and as such they will not have a true concept of who Jesus was because such understanding is only yielded by his spirit and cannot be known otherwise. If you are aware you will notice that people have all sorts of concepts about what Jesus would do in certain situations based on something they heard in Sunday school or in some debate somewhere or some pie in the sky viewpoint but it will always end in folly because they cannot know without knowing him.
The bottom line is that you can only know what Jesus would do by READING the words he spoke and you can only UNDERSTAND those words by the Spirit because the words are Spirit and they are spiritually discerned. Jesus WOULD:
Love his neighbor (not just regular but love to his own hurt)
Give to the poor
Help the weak
Turn the other cheek
Not resist an evil person
Not pay back evil with evil
Bless those who curse him
Put the needs of others BEFORE his own needs
Be patient
Be long suffering
Keep no record of wrongs
Love his enemies
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